The Sunday Newspaper- This is your primary source from coupons. Very simple: Buy 2 newspapers every Sunday. DON'T clip the coupons, leave them in the inserts and write the date visibly on the front of the insert so you can read it. Keep these in a folder, binder, filing cabinet, etc. Don't let them pile up everywhere and keep them all together, and in order by date.
All You Magazine- You can buy this off the register stand at Wal-Mart. While I do not encourage Wal-Mart to be one of your primary go-to couponing sites, do go here once a month and buy one or two of the magazines. I also really enjoy reading the magazine, as they have several helpful articles.
Store Websites- Many store websites, including Target and Publix, allow you to print out their store coupons. You can then stack these with the manufacturer's coupons you have and save double!
Friends & Family- Don't be ashamed of your couponing. Chances are your friends and relatives are throwing away hundreds of dollars in coupons every week and would not mind handing them over to you.
*Despite what you have seen on TV, I do not recommend dumpster diving, stealing newspapers from your neighbors yards, or wasting time searching out recycle bins for coupons. You don't need 800 coupons for sports drinks. Get as many as you can and you'll be okay :)*